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This Is A Game Of Perspective: Find Your Good Even If It's Just Getting Doused With Snow

Earlier this week, I got caught up in the noise.

9 Hour Flight Delay.

Quarantining at a hotel. Back to back Zooms.

My LA butt freezing in the NY cold! And I got sucked into the vortex of feeling down. Has that ever happened to you?

Where it isn't one singular event, but just a compound of a lot of little things that keep adding up and put you into this funk! I couldn't shake it off me.

Then it was late one night, I'm in the hotel, and the snow starts pouring down. I looked outside and the negative part of my mind started to ramble about all the inconveniences this snow storm may cause.

But then the positive side of my mind said "kids play in this." I started to laugh at myself about how absurd I had been being. I'm looking at this gorgeous snow pouring down for the holidays and trying to find an issue with it. Trying to find an issue with it.

That's the real key here though. The Finding.

I'd been shining my spotlight on the negative and the issues, and SPOILER ALERT, if we are looking for negatives, we will find them. Especially in 2020! But if we go looking for the good, we will find that too! And in that moment I decided to find some good.

It was 11 o'clock at night, I grabbed my one peacoat that made it from LA, and I headed out into the snow! It was freezing, and wet, and wonderful.

And in this white filled moment, I tried to shine the light on everything else I am thankful for, and also excited for. Even little things like my mom's holiday yams that're 90% pineapple and brown sugar.

My mood was instantly changed, but also the night was changed for the better, and the next day too, and the days thereafter.

All this is to say, we are human, and we are going to have negative moments, or even negative moments than escalate to negative hours, or days, or more. This is a loving reminder to you and to me that sometimes it can just take one small positive to snowball into some big positives.

As you head into the holidays, where you can find good in your life? Whether it be people, activities, food, or even just some snow fall.

Lots of love to you and yours. Find Your Good :)

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