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Top 5 Hot Coding Languages in 2017

Whether you're looking to start a new career, bolster your already fierce skills, or come up with a conversation starter for that facially pierced code-jockey who lives in the corner of your coffee shop, you should know what the hot programming languages are in 2017.

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Here are the Top 5 (and if any of these make your ‘jaw drop’, or leave you ‘with no words’, please go see your Doctor and stay off the Internet for a bit).  These rankings are based on pull requests over at the GitHub community.

1. JavaScript

Javascript (nee Mocha, nee LiveScript – prior to Netscape and Sun hooking up). Initially referred to as a ‘glue language’ for HTML.  Designers and part-time programmers can assemble components like images, buttons, plugins, etc. and the code can be written directly in the page’s code.  JavaScript has seen a significant increase in popularity over last year. 

2. Java

Kind of a big deal in the world of client-server web apps. Running on 3 billion devices, with over 9 million developers roaming the plains.  Not directly related to JavaScript, despite the naming.  It gets much of its syntax from C and C++.  It’s what your Android apps and Minecraft were written in.

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3. Python

Consistently in the Top 10 most popular languages since way back in 2003.  Python’s syntax looks a lot like English, there are loads of open source libraries for you to use, and its user groups (PUGs) are everywhere.  Bonus points for being named after Monty Python.

4. Ruby

Best known as a language for Web Apps.  Object-oriented, general purpose, elegant and simple syntax, enjoys long walks on the beach.  As with Python, Ruby is so general that it can be used for just about any programming task.  

5. PHP

A server-side scripting language that was developed in the early 90’s and can be found at work in all corners of the Internet at this point.  Used to create dynamic web pages. It’s like ASP.net (C# to be more accurate) but with more features, a bigger user community, and without the pesky Microsoft licensing fees.

Now, get out there and code something…