Trump Revokes Amnesty As Hurricane Irma Rages Over Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico


US President Donald Trump lashed out at the DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Program. First introduced by President Obama, DACA was meant to protect the children of illegal immigrants who were brought to the US at a young age and thus had no choice in breaking the law. The program is now in the hands of congress. 

DACA Protects over 800,000 children and young adults, many of whom have little or no memory of their home culture and consider themselves Americans. Trump has said that DACA is now in the hands of Congress and aims to end the program in six months is Congress is not able to come to a resolution. The popular reaction, though strong, has been dampened by the crisis of Harvey aftermath and the fear of Irma. 

In a rare event since his Presidency, former US President Barak Obama spoke out against Trump’s actions calling them “cruel and wrong”. Congress now has six months to decide the fate of thousands of undocumented Americans. 

Meanwhile, budgets are still being proposed for Harvey cleanup as both, the US territory of Puerto Rico- home to 1.3 million American citizens, and Florida, brace for Irma impact.