How to Get VC's Or Angel Investors Engaged With Your Company?
Go Fund Me is not for you because you don't want to end up viral like Keaton's mom, so how do you get funding for yourself in today's World? Here are some tips we found that might help your business grow in equity for 2020.
Venture Capitalists are groups of individuals or firms whose sole purpose is to get their big fish clients into the investing game as quickly and as pain-free as possible. They focus on new start-up companies with massive growth potential.
As you may already know, if you are first in line you earn the most when the company does well or goes public. These investors are in it for your company to grow hugely so it is good to establish a financial or partner network for any business you launch.
Research is important to any idea or project. Most investors spend their money where they feel they're views are most met or they can feel like they are apart of something bigger. Make sure that you have a meaty business plan that speaks to prospective investors and covers exactly what the funding will accomplish. There are tons of site to get you going as well. has been in service for about fifteen years and they work with all types of start-ups.
The difference between VC's and Angel Investors versus let's say Warren Buffet, is that these investors are investing their own money their own way. They are usually easier to work with, easier to pitch to, and more engaging with the day to day operations of your business.
The SBA (Small Business Association) lists a few national databases on their site. Many of the networks vary from state to state so it is always good to start inward and work your way outside. Picture this, your neighbor was secretly sitting on a cool $25,000 that could help open that bar you know you can turn into a hip happening spot. You will never know until you reach out. is a national database that breaks down the Angel Investors by state then provides their direct site.
There's a lot to learn about your business as it grows in its early stage and your investors can surely assist you with some of the growing pains you will encounter.