Shall We Explore The Entrepreneurial Mindset? Yes.









Mindset, Entrepreneurship, and Magic: 

How is the mind of an entrepreneur like a magician or alchemist?  

Entrepreneurs are true magicians and alchemists in heart and mind. The mental art of entrepreneurship is taking an idea and using the elements, building blocks, and raw materials of their internal and external reality to create a desired result. 

What are the elements and materials of business and entrepreneurship? 

1. Earth-physical resources/currency/time/manpower 

2. Water-emotions/creativity/intuition

3. Fire-passion/motivation/wisdom, energy

4. Air-communication/ideas/mindset

5. Ether-Imagination

KEY: An entrepreneur's mindset is the tool and vehicle to which they can fulfill their client’s needs, solve problems, and create something of value in the marketplace. Therefore an entrepreneur must continually learn, develop, and cultivate their mindset daily.  A magician’s mindset is the foundation of the entrepreneur’s success. 

The entrepreneur's mindset is one that needs to be fluid in nature, because the nature of business is fluid, changeable, and open to the forces of order and chaos. 

Successful entrepreneurs are those business owners who are able to balance the internal and external forces of order and chaos within themselves, their clients, and the market itself. The entrepreneurial magician is dynamic...they wear many hats and embody many archetypes: the salesman, the marketer, the webmaster, the engineer, the creative,the charmer, the hero, and even...the janitor...all roles are fair game in the risky business of entrepreneurship. 

Whether or not an entrepreneur sinks or swims in the rising and falling tides of the global economy depends upon their mindset, before, during, and after their business lifecycle. Their ability to adapt and overcome the situations and circumstances that will inevitably come internally within themselves, and externally in their environment is the determining factor and test of an entrepreneur’s mindset. How will you empower your mindset to rise to the top of the entrepreneurial waters? 

Where does success begin? 

Success begins with a mindset. On a macroscopic level, everything in the known universe that was created...stars, planets, galaxies, plants, animals, and even humans was brought into existence from a place of darkness, the void. 

All that humans create comes into light from the vast space and emptiness of the imagination of the mind, the internal self. Every creation a business owner has birthed, whether it be an invention, idea, product, service, or masterpiece was first born through their own mind.

Just as a plant sprouts upwards from a submerged seed within the darkness and roots of soil, so too are the thoughts, ideas, and imaginations of entrepreneurs. The mind is an infinite garden that needs continuous nourishment, water, space, and cultivation...much like the entrepreneur’s mindset. 


What's the relationship between mindset and entrepreneurship?

An entrepreneur's mindset influences and ultimately determines the quality of their thoughts, emotions, actions, and decision making process. All in the lifecycle of being an entrepreneur, that individual has many factors to consider within their own mindset...whether to communicate, brainstorm, spend money, invest, out-scale, innovate, or collaborate. These are all factors that an entrepreneur needs to consider as they plan, build, grow, and maintain their business. 

Reflection question: What mindset has led to your success in the past and present? Why? 

A business is ultimately an extension of the owner themselves. To imagine a business, plan a business, build a business, and run a business are all initiations within themselves, that require the owner to continually evolve their mindset. 

An entrepreneurial mind is one that seeks continual growth, improvement, refinement, and expansion. 

For to stay stagnant in the game of business and entrepreneurship and not be innovative in one's own mindset and business, is to fall behind, and ultimately sink in the economic waters. In order to rise to the top of the economic waters, a business owner’s mindset must continually stay  infinite and expansive, much like a balloon that keeps rising above all heaviness. 

What's the connection between mindset and entrepreneurship?

Bridge Analogy: An entrepreneur's mindset is the bridge/pathway that links their vision (darkness) to the light of day.

Pool Analogy: Mindset is the pool that keeps the business parts flowing in a cyclical nature, resources-in, cash-flow, outflow. Input and output.

20/20 Vision of Entrepreneurship: 

Why is an entrepreneur's mindset essential for success?

An entrepreneur's mindset is the guiding lighthouse amidst the economic ocean. An entrepreneur must have the ability to rise above mentally and see the high level (top) and low level (bottom) details of the different aspects and elements of their business. 

20/20 Vision Elements: 






An entrepreneur must have 20/20 vision much like a falcon, and have the ability to quickly detach and zoom out to see the big picture below, and zoom back in beneath them through the waters to see the fine details. The entrepreneur must be able to adjust the course of the business according to the economic waters, with the currents of business seasons, supply and demand, and internal/external changes presented. 


An entrepreneurial mindset is one that is connected to their business in heart, but also mentally detached, while making decisions from a rational and calculated space.

All these processes occur within the mind of an entrepreneur. Therefore an entrepreneur must be and become a mental magician, and learn the art of mental transmutation. A business is only as strong and successful as the mind that is running it. The quality of an entrepreneurs mind, thoughts, analysis, discrimination, intelligence, rationality, and decision making process, and other faculties need to be cultivated. 

An entrepreneurs mind can be shaped through books, podcasts, educational programs, lectures, mentorship, coaching, apprenticeships, and experience. Ultimately, the mindset of an entrepreneur must be that of an eternal student, who is always seeking new knowledge, skills, and ways to develop themselves, their team, which will ultimately lead to the success and/or failure of their business.