7 Ways to Build the Immune System
With Covid-19 still impacting the U.S., questions about how to boost one’s health and immune system are more pertinent than ever before. While we’ve hopefully all been taking the necessary precautions such as wearing masks in public and refraining from large group gatherings, finding ways to boost your immune system can help combat numerous illnesses while protecting your health.
Ginger contains many antioxidants which are key in preventing inflammation, the cause of many illnesses. Limiting how much inflammation occurs in the body can boost immunity and prevent many inflammation related illnesses such as asthma, arthritis, and cancer. One of the best ways to take ginger is in the form of a ginger shot. This can be done by blending ginger with water, lemon, and honey.
Managing Stress
In an increasingly unpredictable world, stress levels are understandably high. However, stress can lead to a depleted immune system.
By managing psychological stress, it is possible to boost your immune response to outside pathogens. So, turn off the news, take a deep breath, and clear your mind for your mental as well as physical health.
Perhaps an obvious one, exercise builds your body’s strength and ability to fight off internal as well as contracted illnesses. Experts recommend at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise, but any additional exercise is better than none.
Although we’re supposed to be spending as much time inside as we can, breathing fresh outside air is just as important for enhancing our immune response. There are multiple benefits to spending more time in the socially distanced outdoors.
By being outside, the body is exposed to vitamin D from the sun, which strengthens your bones and immune system. Additionally, being outside increases exposure to plants, and plants emit phytoncides, airborne chemicals that increase white blood cell levels which are important in combating illnesses and infections.
Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that limits inflammation and boost immunity. Buying either turmeric root or turmeric powder is effective, and it can be placed in food or drinks.
Getting a consistently good night sleep provides more benefits than simply preventing morning irritability. During sleep, our bodies make cytokines, a protein that fights infections and inflammation, contributing to a stronger immune response.
When adequate sleep is not had, our bodies produce fewer cytokines which increases our risk of suffering from inflammation or contracting infections. For this reason, getting a solid 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is essential to strengthening the body’s immune response.
Consuming fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, or sauerkraut can help populate the bacteria in your digestive tract. Research shows that having a diverse and thriving ecosystem of gut bacteria can help boost immunity.