Pluto is in Retrograde… What Does That Mean and Why Should You Care?

This transit is taking place from April 29 2022 to October 8 2022.

Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, rules Scorpio, the sign that symbolizes sex, death and rebirth. While it also governs power and the subconscious mind, Pluto is notorious for its creative destruction and cataclysmic evolution.

A retrograde occurs when a planet appears to be spinning backwards from Earth’s perspective. This happens as a result of Earth’s rotation and is somewhat of an optical illusion.

But it’s effects are very real and it has its consequences. In astrology, retrogrades intensify the influence of the affected planet’s aspects in the Earthly and human realm. Its energy becomes both more accessible to utilize, as well as harder to ignore.

Hence, wherever there is imbalance, retrogrades will readily hold a mirror up to them! Retrogrades also bring up any unfinished business from the past, making them a good point of reflection, re-evaluation and resolution.

Pluto is currently in Capricorn, which deals with karma, time management, societal structures, contracts, patriarchy, hierarchy, social status, reputation, work ethic, and security in the world. Light is being shown upon the dark undertows of where we derive power from. Is our source of power coming from within or are there external forces: validation, money, sex, status, aggression?

Where we feel powerful and where we feel powerless are the key themes Pluto will be asking you to explore. Are you abusing or misusing power? Are you trying to gain the upper hand through manipulation, anger, violence, judgement, shame, blame, or passive-aggression?

If you are a control freak, the next several months comes with a warning! Be prepared to have Pluto expose your self-deception and put pressure on your comfort zones, catalyzing you into the next level of growth and expansion.

This is particularly important for people like myself with a lot of trauma, which will bring a time of deep healing. Confronting where control is being used as a way to feel safe, but is actually perpetuating turmoil, creating more resistance and pain. Being prepared is everything and will not only minimize but may even alleviate some of these challenging aspects of this transit.

Pluto reveals where we are and where we are not standing in our own power. How and why we are giving our power away to people, relationships, jealousy, social media, religion, politics or other external projections?

As Pluto rules the subconscious, it opens the portal to the unseen realm within and thus it will be easier to transform false power into true empowerment. Also, gives us an opportunity to take a closer look at and heal our childhood wounds, which are at the true root of our power issues.

Empowerment comes from a healed past and a balanced place of wisdom, compassion, empathy and ethics. Explore the dark side of your mind. Go deeper within and see what’s hiding in your shadow so that you can stand strong in your soul to live out its destiny.

The quest is a journey of the heart path. It’s a battle of the soul versus the ego. Which will you choose? Peace and blessings.

IG @moon.fetish

Pluto is in Retrograde… What Does That Mean and Why Should You Care?

Pluto is in Retrograde… What Does That Mean and Why Should You Care?