Fail..Fail..Succeed. What If You Gave It "One More" Go?


You will Fail.

Worst inspirational piece ever! I know, I know but that’s the honest truth, and I owe it to you to say it. Failures aren’t going anywhere, and they are often what stand in the way of what you want.

They can be rough, daunting, even embarrassing. I get it! Trust me, I’ve made a career from failing. More so, I’ve made a life out of failing. I’ve failed over and over and over (and over!) again! And it is those failings that have led to every single success in my life.

So rather than try to run from failures, what if you could embrace them head on, and use it to propel forward to your goals?

The gift of going through the journey of failure to success with being an American Ninja Warrior, World Record Holder, and 5x TEDx Speaker are that it uncovered this incredible method for hyperdriving the Fail process.

I’ve been called an Expert Failer, which I take as a big compliment! And there is nothing in this world I’ve failed at more than NBC’s American Ninja Warrior.

It’s an absurdly difficult, aerial obstacle course where you’re required to fling yourself by your fingers from dangling, spinning, and oddly-shaped grips to yet more dangling, spinning and oddly-shaped grips. And if you miss, you drop two-stories down, splash into the water, red buzzers ignite, sirens sound, and millions upon millions of people watch you pick your soggy, failure-soaked self out of the pool as it’s broadcast around the globe.

Fun times! Adding a little salt to the wound, I looked online and over a million people have watched my Fail videos. And yes, I read every trolling comment.

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I know what it feels like to fail. When we fail, it makes us want to bail on what we’re doing, or worse, it makes us want to bail on ourselves.

Whether it’s American Ninja Warrior, screwing up a deal, or getting rejected by someone, it hurts. Deep down in our stomach, that uneasy, queasy feeling where we instantly second-guess everything about ourselves and anything we’ve ever done.

Failing makes us want to back away from the challenges, give into our fears, and give up on our goals. BUT it is only in the backing away that failing becomes a failure.

And oftentimes, it is in that "one more" attempt that we break through to the other side. So I ask you today, when it comes to a time you've failed, what might happen if you give it "one more" go?

I promise you, even if you have failed in fantastic fashion, you are still capable of making it happen. I am not promising you that it will be easy. But I am promising that you can do it.

In your life right now, what would it mean to give it one more go?