Beware Of The Impostor


Throughout many ancient and sacred texts there are riddles and warnings of the impostor. The Bhagavad-Gita calls them “the pretenders.” The bible talks about impostors as well as, the Anti-Christ (one of the biggest impostors of them all). And of course  there is the old saying “anyone who calls themselves a shaman is fake.”

So, what is an impostOR? 

An impostor is someone who uses a false identity in order to trick and deceive for fraudulent gain. They are every where so stay aware.

Shamans are the most dangerous of them all. An American shaman is usually a sham.

A real shaman lives in a village deep in the jungle, living and breathing the rituals and ceremonies of shamanism. (There are real shamanic practitioners in America and I am by no means referring to them with these statements.)

We have a real epidemic here in America that is full of superficial spiritualism; posting spiritual quotes on social media, burning sage, doing money mantras, and acting as if that is the epitome of enlightenment. It’s a moral and ethical epidemic in my humble perspective.

The morality of this culture is low and without any foundation of divinity. As a culture we worship money, sex and power for the sake of vanity, lust and greed.

Meanwhile, these impostors are taking advantage of the wounded lost souls for the same sinful reasons, some knowingly and others unknowingly. Some American shams, or medicine men & women are unconscious of their intentions and motivations, having many blindspots to their own healing crisis and self-deception.

The healing and spiritual community is full of wolves in sheep’s clothes, offering to “guide” you to your truth, or to the Truth. In reality, they are predators waiting in the sidelines preying on the vulnerable; energy vampires glamorizing their victims with crystals, sage, sacred knowledge and deceptive stories of their person mystical experiences.

These impostors are very narcissistic lost souls seeking validation for their existential and identity crisis through being healers and shamans. They lack the self-awareness that they are alive without such purpose and derive their self-worth and self-esteem from seemingly altruistic acts.

In reality, they are actually self-aggrandizing and the altruistic acts are facades for them to hide their wounds and true devilish nature. Their personal lives are full of hypocrisy and self-deception, as they lead very fragmented and incongruent lives, usually harboring a dark secret life, unhealed wounds, and closets full of skeletons. 

Also, be very wary of the male healers, as they are usually sexually deviant and predatory disguising themselves as tantric masters, however are far from it and are consumed by their own lust and greed for power.

There are also imitating Yogis who use their fraudulent devotion to trick people to manipulatively achieve their goals and manifest their hedonistic desires. As the Bhagavad-Gita explains:

There are many pretenders who refuse to work in Krishna consciousness but make a show of meditation, while actually dwelling within the mind upon sense enjoyment. Such pretenders may also speak on dry philosophy in order to bluff sophisticated followers, but according to this verse these are the greatest cheaters. For sense enjoyment one can act in any capacity of the social order, but if one follows the rules and regulations of his particular status, he can make gradual progress in purifying his existence. But he who makes a show of being a yogi, while actually searching for the objects of sense gratification, must be called the greatest cheater, even though he sometimes speaks of philosophy. His knowledge has no value because the effects of such a sinful man's knowledge are taken away by the illusory energy of the Lord. Such a pretender's mind is always impure, and therefore his show of yogic meditation has no value whatsoever.

It’s a reality people have to face in this world. We see it in POLITICS, we see it in the CHURCH, and we especially see it in the NEW AGE spiritual movements. This is part of the vicious cycle of suffering in Humanity. The liars, the cheats & the thieves, perpetually creating bad karma and suffering for everyone including themselves.

As impostors are all around us, how do we protect ourselves from such deception and manipulation? 

As we all have free will and sovereignty down here on Earth, it is actually our responsibility and birth right to look out for ourselves and it is wise to develop a greater sense of awareness and intuition. Developing self-awareness will lead to a greater awareness of the all and also sharpen your intuition.

It is a a daily practice, witnessing the truth without rose colored glasses. You will see the fragility all around, the fragility of peoples spines, how spineless many are, how self-deceived the deceiver truly is. 

Remember, the illusion seems more real than the truth.

It’s very easy to be fooled by these impostors and fall down the slippery slope of trickery and traps of manipulations and distortions of the truth of God. Through developing our own sense of awareness and intuition we can be our own guides, our own healers and have an inner-knowingness of ourselves, of the Truth, and of the Divine.

Otherwise we are at the mercy of the lost wicked souls who use their life force to spread darkness, to lie, cheat and steal from others. It can be disillusioning at first. However, ultimate can be very empowering.

Your own power is something no one can take away from you and if you give it away unconsciously, you can always take it back.

As we grow through this era in the world and of Humanity coming into this “Great Awakening,” many impostors will be rising to the occasion, imposing themselves as saviors and heroes, when in reality, they are desperately gripping to their ego’s control and the material power they have acquired throughout their lives. These are very biblical times. Stay aware. Stay in tune. 

Beware of the impostOr

Peace and blessings