How We Can See History Repeating Through Astrology


As we look up to the stars we can see a blueprint of our very own world, personally and globally, hence “As above, so below” derived from the emerald tablets. One of the major elements that makes astrology so compelling is it’s cyclical nature, which gives us the ability to see patterns and therefore create predictions thus being more apt to maneuver and navigate through the external forces beyond us in our everyday lives.

In addition, if we can see the patterns of society in the stars, that leads me to believe that we can potentially affect and cause a new outcome through quantum perception and projection, both personally and collectively we can bring about the New Earth.

Something that caught my attention in April of 2018 was Pluto’s full orbit around the sun, since 1776, the beginning of America. I knew immediately then that we were in for a wild ride of intense and unavoidable transformation both for the self and for the WORLD. 

Along with the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and Jupiter-Pluto Grand Conjunction, it’s been and going to continue to be a “get your popcorn ready” kind of 2019-2020-2021, thus far. All of these aspects and collaborations of planetary influences are guaranteed to bring about some serious political, social and societal upheavals, revolutions, movements and new solutions.

We are truly living through historical times, and even biblical, but nonetheless undeniably transformational, a time of deep shadow work both for society and our own soul.

Before I get into the actual break down and comparison of historical events with the current state of the world, I want to introduce to you  Pluto, God of the Underworld, the ruler of Scorpio, corresponding to Hates in Greek mythology which translates to “the unseen”. Pluto ultimately represents transformation through destruction and integration of the darkness.

More specifically Pluto rules death and rebirth, our subconscious forces, ruling all that is “below the surface”, holding the sacred key to our personal chamber of secrets and our very own shadow. Everything from money, sex, power and shame fall under his mysteriously powerful domain. 

April 2019 - January 11th 2020, Saturn, Lord of Karma, and Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, began their conjunction that occurs every 33 years, Saturn also enforcing rules, restrictions, societal structures, time, physical labor, etc.

SATURN-PLUTO conjunction in Capricorn can initiate a dismantling or deconstructive process of long-standing societal constructs and systems of belief so that we can evolve our societal structures. There will be and already has been a revealing of ego power struggles within the patriarchy that will ultimately demand we take responsibility for the discord and destruction we have created.

 Both signs being in Capricorn, who rules the patriarchy, could very well indicate the fall of the Patriarchy, given the current collective consciousness and uprising feminine rights movements since the 70s. Along with also potentially seeing racism abolished through our collective unconscious.

Perhaps we will see social justice for for the first time since the fall of Atlantis? I ask these questions

specifically so we can start perceiving the quantum possibilities of our future together on this beautiful Earth. 




Ronald Reagan gets elected as President of USA

Reset in financial markets causing a short yet severe recession

The Beginning of the AIDS epidemic

The Falklands War and Canada gain full political independence from the United Kingdom.


 Israel was born

the breaking up of India and Pakistan

(Tensions started rising yet again in these same regions leading up to the conjunction in 2020)

The first year of a cold war between the Soviet Union and the US

Roswell incident of UFO crash


On November 16, 1914, the U.S. Federal Reserve began operations
The start of World War I and stretched until the next Saturn-Pluto conjunction in 1947, which aligned with the end of World War II

The Financial Panic of 1914 preceding the war 

Global markets were crashing from investors pulling out of their securities in a scramble for cash and gold. 

London Stock Exchange was shut down for five months 

U.S. Stock Exchange was shut down for four months

 For six weeks during August and early September 1914—as Saturn and Pluto made close contact—almost every stock exchange in the world was closed.

Look familiar?


The transatlantic slave trade, took a dark turn in 1518, as Saturn and Pluto conjoined in the sign of the Capricorn

King Charles I of Spain signed a charter with Portuguese traders authorizing Spain to send slave ships directly to the Americas from Africa.

The Spanish king’s mandate ignited a ruthless new phase in African slavery, responsible for an estimated 2.5 million African slaves sent to the burgeoning New World between 1525 and 1866, initiating the conditions for systemic racial oppression in both South America and North America that we are currently dealing with at this very moment.

Martin Luther, German professor of theology, composer, priest, Augustinian monk, brought forth the Protestant Reformation.

Dec 1284 Saturn and Pluto conjoined in Capricorn 

Venice introduced a gold coin, becoming the standard of European currency for the following 600 years. 

King Edward, I of England took steps to separate church from state

Sultan Qalawun began the siege of Margat which is modern day Syria.




Spanish Flu


HIV Outbreak


Russian Plague

14th Century Europe

The Black Death

430-427 BC

The Plague of Athens (Pluto in Capricorn)

To conclude the astrological correlations, I want to make mention of one more that I find to be pertinent to unraveling and healing the masculine and dismantling the Patriarchy. 


Chiron is in Aires right now  until 2027. Recycling through the 12 signs every 50 years, Chiron, known as the “wounded healer” a planetoid that orbits between Saturn and Uranus, represents the deeper and more difficult wounds that we are here to heal both personally and collectively. That being said, it being in Aires has a major focus on identity, militarism, assertion, ‘manhood’, self-interest and self-reliance. 



MLK Assassination  


Spanish Flu

So, knowing what we know from all the above, we can easily identify the cycles of the political, social, & economical events occurring in society right this very moment. What does that tell us?

Well first and foremost, being aware that the CIA has infiltrated every spiritual movement from the 60s on, astrology is not alone in this. Perhaps these cosmological currents are being used against us?

The powers that be, “Illuminati” the ultimate occultists have seemed to have hijacked these influences utilizing the chaos to their advantage. If we can see a pattern then perhaps we can more easily break it ourselves.

Just like the patterns we have within our own psyche, it requires visibility and an admission to oneself to change it. We the people have a voice, have a heart, have a soul, have a power that only each individual can access.

I believe on some level we have had a very beautiful opportunity to go within to face some shadows, make amends with our loved ones, and ultimately better ourselves while mastering our minds and energy with the quarantines and lockdowns.

Perhaps, that moment of self-reflection and solitude was preparing us to step into a new level of personal power, self-awareness, and even more compassion for one another so we can come together, cooperate, collaborate and bring about our very own “New World Order”.  Peace & Blessings