The Art Of Cleansing And Radiating Your Chakras
“Cleanliness is next to godliness”
As a Mystic, Reiki Master and Yogi, I primarily live in the subtle realms of consciousness and the body. I see no distinction between the two at this point. Everything is energy, matter and spirit are inseparably one.
The word Chakra, pronounced with a CH like chalk-ruh, derives from चक्र Sanskrit where the chakra system originated between 500 - 1500 b.c in the ancient Vedic Sanskrit texts. The word in Sanskrit translates to wheel or disc.
A chakra in essence is an energy center or vortex. When in balance the energy center spins clockwise and when imbalanced spins counterclockwise. Depicted as lotus flowers connecting with each one of the major chakras the colors that make up the rainbow. Traditionally, the lotus flower is symbolic of the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
A human being has 7 major chakras, 21 minor chakras, and 86 micro chakras. Each major chakra corresponds to specific glandular systems, organs, the central nervous system and major groups of nerves branching out from the spinal cord in corresponding locations, and the 7 levels of the Human Energy Field; as well as physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being (see list below).
Within each chakra, pure life force energy is contained. Many different traditions and cultures have their own word for it such as Prana (in Yoga), Chi/Qi (in Taoism), Ki (in Japan and from the word Reiki is named), Ruach (in Hebrew), Baraka (in Islamic culture), Light or Holy Ghost (Christianity), Bio-Plasmic Energy (Russian researchers), Vril (The Vril Society) and so on and so forth.
Even in Star Wars, “the force” is referring to this same Life Force Energy. Ultimately it is the flow of this Life Force Energy which is the secret to being able to live long and prosper.
Our chakras and our physical bodies make up a complex system that is cooperative and interwoven and are the essential elements of our entire being.The bridge between body and consciousness is through the breath. Every breath is a direct connection to GOD within, to Higher Self, and to your Life Force Energy.
Our chakras are the root source of our physical, emotional and mental well-being as well as the cause of most diseases and illnesses. There have been many warning signs emotionally and intuitively as sensations in these chakras that are felt in the physical body.
The blocking of the energy flow of the chakras is the result of neglecting these more subtle warning signs then turns into illness, disease and degeneration in the physical body; basically, indicating that the emotional and etheric issues have become more dense energetically, more solidified in the physical realm.
By meditating and using mental control techniques, such as visualization, on these 7 chakras, one can stimulate the endocrine glands as well as the vagus nerve to boost the immune system.
This offers full sovereignty and mental control of your very own physical body. With balanced, aligned and activated chakras you can easily heal and regenerate any part of your body at will, as well as manifest anything your heart desires.
So how does one cleanse and radiate the chakras?
When the path of self-realization can be a daunting road, with many obstacles and illusions to overcome, self-awareness and self-discipline are your best allies.
First and foremost, a prerequisite is knowledge and raising your awareness/consciousness also known as Gnosis, that in itself will put you in touch with the more subtle aspects of self. Next is self-discipline, without self-discipline, transformation and healing will be fleeting moments blowing in the wind of forgetfulness.
ROOT CHAKRA मूलाधार MULADHARA “Basis of Existence” The foundation from which we climb the ladder of Spiritual Development
Gland/organ: Adrenals Location: Base of spine, between anus & genitals Body Parts: Bones, skeletal structure Sense: Smell Governs: Survival/Physical needs and masculine sexuality. Symbol: 4 petals encircling a downward-pointing triangle Element: Earth Ruling Planet: Saturn Astrology sign: Capricorn & Aquarius Color: Red Incense/Oils: Frankincense, Myrrh, Angelica, Patchouli and Musk Crystals: Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Obsidian, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Shungite Yoga Poses: Tree Pose (Vrksasana) Mantra: Lam
SACRAL CHAKRA स्वाधिष्ठान SWADISTHANA “Where Your Being is Established” The Pleasure Principle - where the flow of Prana is regulated
Gland: Ovaries/Testes Location: Lower abdomen, between navel and genitals Body Parts: Womb, genitals, prostrate kidney, and bladder Sense: Taste Governs: Sexuality & creativity, emotional balance Symbol: 10 petals encircling a downward-pointing triangle Element: Water Ruling Planet: Jupiter & Venus Astrology Sign: Sagittarius & Pisces Color: Orange Incense/Oils: Orange, Neroli, Clove, Juniper and Rosemary Gardenia, damiana Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Peach Selenite, Peach Moonstone, Aragonite Jasine, Rose, Sandalwood Yoga Pose: Firece Angel/Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana) Mantra: Vam
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA मणिपूर MANIPURA "LUSTROUS GEM” The magnetic core of our personality and our ego
Gland/organ: Pancreas Location: Between navel & base of sternum Body Parts: Digestive system, muscles Governs: Personal power, self-will, self-worth, self-acceptance Sense: Sight Symbol: 10 lotus petals encircling downward-pointing triangle Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Mars Astrology Sign: Aires & Scorpio Color: Yellow Incense/Oils: Bergamot, Rosemary, Mandarin Crystals: Yellow citrine, Lemon Quartz, Citrine, Pyrite, Yellow Calcite, Golden Healer, Yellow Apatite, Sunstone, Gold Topaz Yoga Pose: Boat Pose (Navasana) Mantra: Ram
HEART CHAKRA अनाहत ANAHATA “UNSTRUCK” Where spirit and matter meet The bridge between the lower and higher chakras
Gland: Thymus
Location: Center of chest
Body Parts: Heart, chest, lungs, circulation
Governs: The giving and receiving of love, self-love, intimacy, relationships, empathy & compassion
Associated sense: Touch
Symbol: Two intersecting triangles forming a 6-pointed star in a circle with 12 petals (forming a 2 dimensional Mer-Ka-Ba) Color: Green/Pink
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Venus & the Moon
Astrology Sign: Taurus & Libra
Incense/Oils: Rose, Bergamot, Melissa
Crystals: Rose quartz, Green Calcite, Mangano Calcite Green or Pink Fluoride, Watermelon Tourmaline,Rhodochrosite Yoga Pose: Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
Mantra: Yam
THROAT CHAKRA िवशुद्ध VISHUDDHA “ESPECIALLY PURE” Where the nectar of immortality is divided into both pure and impure forms
Gland: Thyroid/Parathyroid
Location: Base of neck
Body Parts: Throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, neck Governs: Communication, self-expression
Sense: Sound/Hearing
Symbol: 16 petals encircling a crescent with a circle inside of it Element: Ether & Akasha
Ruling Planet: Mercury & Jupiter
Astrology Sign: Gemini & Virgo
Color: Light Blue
Incense/Oils: Chamomile, Myrrh
Crystals: Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Celestite, Amazonite, Blue Apatite, Aquamarine, Blue Calcite
Yoga Pose: Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
Mantra: Ham
THIRD EYE CHAKRA आज्ञा AJNA “COMMAND” This is the command center & the inner eye for all the chakras
Gland: Pituitary
Location: Above and between the eye brows
Body Parts: Eyes, base of skull
Governs: Intuition, Wisdom Leo & Cancer
Sense: Sixth Sense
Symbol: Om centered over an inverted triangle that is seated within a circle between 2 lotus petals
Element: Light/Telepathic Energy
Ruling Planet: Sun & Moon Astrology Sign: Leo & Cancer Color: Indigo Incense/Oils: Hyacinth, Violet Crystals: Amethyst, Purple apatite, Azurite, Lithium Quartz, Purple Fluorite, Clear calcite, Lepidolite (for overactive mind) Yoga Pose: Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III) Mantra: Om
The highest chakra, the agya chakra, has two opposite ends. The negative end is at the base of the skull and represents the ego. The positive end is about an inch behind the point where the eyebrows meet. Bringing energy to this point brings enlightenment.
CROWN CHAKRA सहस्रार SAHASRARA “thousand-petaled” This is the seat of divine consciousness Where the true self resides
Gland: Pineal
Location: Top and above of Head
Body Parts: Upper skull, cerebral cortex, skin governs: Spirituality, selflessness
Sense: Beyond Self into Eternal Oneness Symbol: 1000 lotus petals surrounding a circle Element: Thought, Cosmic Energy
Ruling Planet: The Universe
Astrology Sign: N/A
Color: Violet, Gold, White Incense/Oils: Lavender, Frankincense, Rosewood Crystals: Clear Quartz, Diamond, Selenite, Apophyllite, Yoga Pose: Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Mantra: OM or Silence & Listening
MORE Rituals for Cleansing and Radiating Your Chakras:
Guided Meditations
Mental Control Techniques (i.e. Visualization)
Mantras & Affirmations
Energy Healing: Reiki & Pranic Healing
Qi Gong & Tai Chi
Acupuncture & Acupressure
Crystal Healing and Crystal Bowl Sound Baths
Color Therapy
Smudging (i.e. Sage, Paulo Santo, etc)
Bath Rituals
Altars and Use of Ritual Magic
Prayer and Intention Setting
Now if there is more severe and deeper trauma, it could be trapped in the body’s cellular memories thus deeper healing work may be required to get the chakras and the body at their peak health state of cleanliness and radiance.
Modalities such as QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Technique), Theta Healing, NLP, and Somatic Therapy are all great methods for trauma release.
This is a daily practice and a life long journey. Wishing you all the best on your journey through self-healing and self-realization.
Peace and Blessings