Top 7 Indoor Plants That Will Turn Your Living Space Into A Sanctuary
Regardless of a plandemic, plenty of us strive for tranquility in our lives. This peace can be obtained through different means. Small interludes include meditating, having coffee with yourself, listening to music, or re-reading your favorite book.
All are wonderful hobbies to begin on an everyday basis, but can become lost in the hustle and bustle of life. These activities can become cumbersome on some days, which can lead to frustration. Changing the surrounding space, definitely in our homes, can be eye-opening. One of the first revisions we can do is simple. Plants.
Various indoor plants have been recommended to help clear the air within our homes or offices. They clean the oxygen that becomes stagnate in our houses, offices, and apartments.
They can offer an ambiance of calm and clearer air before your day even begins. There's quite a list one can begin with and it can be overwhelming. Most of them are low maintenance and easy to start with plant care. Here are some suggestions to begin keeping indoor plants, with or without a green thumb.
Chinese Money Plant (Pancake Plant)
These plants can grow from about 20-30cm in size. They are popularly to have because of the easy care of them. Indirect sunlight is the best, due to their leaves can burn if left in direct sunlight.
The soil needs to be lightly moist, a little can go a long way. These plants are great to have in flower pots and can be moved to bigger sizes when they begin to grow more. Lastly, the Chinese Money Plant is non-toxic.
English Ivy Plant
Bright light is the best for these plants, direct sunlight should be fine, but not for long hours. These plants do not need much water, a little goes a long way for them. Their soil can be half dried even when watered.
This plant also needs some drainage for the water, they don't do well in sitting water. If you want to grow them well, add some fertilizer to their soil once a month. (Except during the winter months) If your ivy plant becomes dusty on the leaves, you can shower them off with some water to rid of any pests or dust.
African Violets
These plants are beautiful to keep for their wonderful flowers. Semi-dry atmosphere is the best for them and lightly moist soil. Water them from the bottom to not trickle down their leaves. Place them in indirect light, although they can survive direct sunlight it can burn their leaves easily.
Spider Plant
The Spider Plant is considered as one of the easiest and adaptive plant to have. You can provide the plant with well-drained soil. They love bright indirect sunlight to thrive in.
For watering purposes, you may water them well, but not to the extent the soil is soggy and muddy. These plants can sit near a windowsill or hang from the ceiling. Beloved for purifying the surrounding air.
Aloe Vera Plant
These little ones prefer dry temperatures. They are best to be placed in bright indirect sunlight. Water them well, but don't let the water sit.
These are better to plant in draining pots, so they don't sit in water. Allow the soil to dry before watering them again. For proper sunlight, place them in south or west facing windows for the most sunlight. Another plant that purifies the air and has other healing properties.
These plants can grow tall, up to 6-10 feet even. You can control the growth with the size of the pot you have the plant within. The soil must be kept moist, but never soggy.
They do best in filtered sunlight. This means you can place them near a window, but have a sheer curtain between them and the sun. Dracaena are easier to care for, which makes them great plants to have indoors. They are great to purify the air.
ZZ Plant
Do you have a brown thumb? Never great with plants? This is the plant for you.
These little plants don't need a lot of light, fluorescent light is even enough for them. They can endure direct sunlight, but it will burn their leaves.
This makes them great for offices or rooms in the home that don't have a lot of sunlight. The ZZ plant needs less water than more, much like cacti. Water them when the soil is dry.
Other plants that can help purify the air in your home: Peace Lily, Dwarf Date Palm, Philodendron, Rubber Plant, Boston Fern, and Bamboo Palms.
Consider this the start of your journey to reinvest in your home or office. We all need a little relaxation and purer air around us.